Sunday, December 19, 2010


The other day I received the BlessingWhite Employee Engagement Report 2011.  They introduce their report with these bold words:  "In organization's every individual is accountable for his or her own engagement; anyone with direct reports must coach team members to higher levels of engagement and manage his or her own engagement; and executives set the tone for high morale and motivation plus shoulder the responsibilities of individuals and managers".  The report itself is 80+ pages but I'd like to share some of their key findings because whether we want to recognize it or not, as leaders, we must encourage our workforce to build a more engaged organization.

These key findings focus on engagement levels worldwide, the engagement-retention connection, key drivers, and the ways that behaviors of managers and senior leaders influence engagement.
  • 31% are Engaged, and 17% are Disengaged.
  • There's a strong correlation between engagement levels and age, role/level, and tenure.
  • More employees are looking for new opportunities outside of their organization.
  • Engaged employees plan to stay for what they give; the Disengaged stay for what they get.
  • Employees worldwide view opportunities to apply their talents, career development and training as top drivers of job satisfaction.
  • Trust in executives appears to have more than twice the impact on engagement levels than trust in immediate managers does.
  • Managers are not necessarily doing the things that matter most.
  • Executives appear to struggle with key leadership behaviors.  Engagement surveys without visible follow-up action may actually decrease engagement levels.  

Some of the key implications and recommendations state that to reap the rewards that a more engaged organization promises, your entire workforce needs to be accountable for their piece of the "engagement equation" every day.  As an individual:  Ownership, clarity and action; Managers: Coaching, relationships and dialogue; Executives: Trust, communication and culture.

Think about it, are you making sure your workforce is engaged?

To download your free copy, click on the following link.

Regards, Marya

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Traits of Effective Leaders. Do You Have Them?

Effective leaders exhibit several traits that stay with them no matter where they work or what efforts they're involved with.  Check these out and see if you measure up.  

Effective leaders work with others in a way that makes followers feel important; they know how to sell their vision; they treat others like they want to be treated, they are willing to disclose their mistakes; if they criticize others they do it in private; they're where the action is, not hiding out in their offices; they are competitive so they know how to set goals and reward others who meet and exceed their goals.  They're also big on celebrating success.

So, where do you fall in exhibiting these leadership traits? 

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