Saturday, March 26, 2011

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Leader?

If you're a teenager or young adult, struggling to get out of school and move on to the next phase of your life, your next dream, you may be asking yourself, "What do I need to do to realize my goals?"  How would you feel if, starting right now, you could begin developing personal self-leadership -- the attitudes, skills, and goals that would help you achieve personal success and happiness?  Probably, pretty darn good! 

So, what's it going to take to get you there?  How about some energy and effort including learning about other successful people and why they're successful?  How about recognizing that it isn't luck that makes you successful as much as effort, planning and a true belief in yourself -- self-confidence, self-esteem, and positive reinforcement from the inside out and from those who have influence in your life?

There are many leaders in this world, some known and some unknown except to those who have been touched by them.  Do you think these leaders were born with the ability to lead?  Well, if you think about it, aren't there some particular traits that leaders possess?  Would you say they include confidence, self-discipline, self-esteem, character, persistence, and integrity? 

What are some other qualities they have?  How about an ability to communicate with others, set and achieve goals, and motivate others?  What about making decisions and choices that require courage?  And, would you say that having a positive mental attitude also has something to do with it?  Tell me, do you see many leaders that are on a constant downer, feeling sorry for themselves and their situation in life?

People aren't "born leaders".  But they can develop the traits and qualities that make them leaders and it's these same qualities that you need to develop to ensure your future and your success.

What's even more important is to recognize is that all of us have the potential to become leaders and live a very successful lives.  How you go about developing that potential is what will determine your level of success as you grow and develop now and into the future.

Your success -- and whatever you achieve in life -- starts with YOU!  You are the captain of your ship.  You are the author of your life story and the creator or your future.

To learn more about how you can develop your self leadership skills and start building your future success visit www.performance-connect/risingstars.aspx.  Let today be the first day of your future as a leader.


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