Monday, March 28, 2011

If You Can't Lead Yourself, Are You Sure You Can Lead Others?

Being a strong leader can make the difference between success and failure in anything you do professionally.  It starts with your ability to lead yourself...then others!

I think you'll agree that your personal and professional success and your future, is really up to you!  But you also need to realize that your success in your personal and professional life can be enhanced if you, first, know how to lead yourself.  Strong self-leadership will not only determine your future as a leader but also the future of others who look up to you as their leader.

So what exactly, is self-leadership?  It's knowing who you are, who you want to become, and how you're going to get there.  It means being consistent in demonstrating your values and goals.  It requires self-discipline as you strive each day to reach your goals, the ability to change your mental models to survive tough challenges, and a commitment to life-long learning.  It's recognizing the importance of finding new and better ways to build on best practices to achieve your goals.  It allows you to set direction for yourself and for those who look to you for direction.

There are basically three types of leaders.  Those who enhance others by adding value, helping others improve, being honest, genuine and sincere, with excellent communication skills.  Those who neutralize by not doing much of anything because they don't help, usually follow, achieve little and don't add much value.  And, those who diminish or actually take away from the situation and others because they lack confidence and fear change which reveals itself in the putting down or general abuse of others.  Luckily most people don't fall into any one style. 

Ideally, strong leaders should strive to be enhancers.  They are the leaders who are visionaries and can take their organization to the next level.  They're powerful in their level of execution and see possibilities in everything and everyone around them.  They want others to enjoy success, and will contribute to, share and set examples from which others can learn and achieve.  They are honest in their emotions, and understand the importance of being able to laugh at themselves, cry with others, get angry if necessary, and show warmth and kindness when it's most needed.  They are confident in themselves, respected by others, and take their responsibilities seriously.  They know how to stand tall and bring hope to others when chaos abounds.

Since applied knowledge is power, one goal of self-leadership is to start thinking about the type of leader you are and what you can begin doing to become more of an enhancer, a leader that can help make their own and others dreams come true.

The road to understanding and developing self-leadership emphasizes developing self-confidence and a belief that you have he ability to accomplish what you've set out to do; self-esteem that says I really like me; integrity that demonstrates honesty and sincerity toward everyone you come in contact with; a positive mental attitude that helps you focus on the good things you can accomplish rather than the negatives you may face day-to-day; courage to meet and overcome what seem like insurmountable obstacles; persistence to keep trying no matter what the odds; and character expressed through well developed values, morals, and self-discipline that demonstrates you know the right things to do and can do the right things.

Being a strong leader and being able to lead others begins with being excellent at self-leadership.  It's the first step to achieving your personal dreams and professional goals and the ultimate success you want for yourself and others who depend on you as their leader.


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